Bordos.ArtWorks and invited artists / Videomapping the Museum of Art Timisoara / Romania – Official Video

3d artists: Zsolt L. Bordos, Ivó Kovács, Dániel Szalkó, Reikort Gábor, Demeter Lóránt, Renáta Dezső

Music: Lorn: Army of Fear / James Ruskin: Part of the Process / Vaski & Bar9 /// Remix by: Lasbord

Sound FX: Alex Hunyadi ///

Directed by: Zsolt L. Bordos / alias Bordos.ArtWorks

Videotechnics: 4*20K & 2*16K Christie’s brought Bby: VisualPower Ltd.

Date/Location: 30.07.2011 / Museum of Art / Timisoara / Romania

Special thanks to the organizers: Violeta Michalache and to the great audience!
