PAINT UP! Off contest projection 2012

BORDOS.ARTWORKS AND INVITED ARTISTS, IN COLLABORATION WITH KITCHEN BUDAPEST / mapping the House of Contemporary Arts Budapest + interactive epilogue!
3d artists: László Zsolt Bordos / Ivó Kovács / Dániel Szalkó / Lóránt Demeter / Balogh András Miklós / Kovács Zoltán / Ferenczy Zoltán / Sípos Ádám /// vvvv artist: Zsolt Korai /// Music by: Tim Ismag+Perfecta: The Matrix / courtesy of Tim Ismag /// Sound Design: Alex Hunyadi /// Light Design: András Lerner / Colossal Ltd.
Interactive epilogue made by Kitchen Budapest:: 3d programming: Zsolt Korai /// Sound Artist: László Kiss /// Video documentation: Zsuzsánna Váli and Anikó Bordos /// Concept and Direction: László Zsolt Bordos / Bordos.ArtWorks
Panoramic video projection by VisualPower Ltd. / Technical installation: Viktor Drimmer /// Hippotizer programming: Ákos Szidor
Organized by VisualPower Ltd,, Cafe Budapest and Bordos.ArtWorks as part of the Paint Up! 2012 international videomapping competition. / Main organizer: Tünde Vaskó
Mr. László Riegler – VisualPower Ltd. /// Zsolt Winkler – Kitchen Budapest /// András Lerner – Colossal Ltd.
This project brought me the opportunity to test the possibilities of using moving head lights combinde with videoprojection mapping: