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FRAGMENTS – projection on the facade of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, during the Festival Internacional de las Luces
Concept & 3d animation: László Zsolt Bordos /// Sound artist: Rodrigo Guzman Cazares (aka Abduct) /// Laser scanning: Systop ( Sistemas y Servicios para Topgrafía CV ) /// Fernando Rivera, Josué Estrada, Adriana Ramírez /// Laser scan based 3d modelling: Dániel Szalkó /// Projectors and setup: KARDIA Producciones /// d3 operator: Ruben Casillas Perez /// Technical director: Eliuth Herrera /// Audio setup: Hugo Ocón / IES Ingenieria en Audio /// Curators: Paolo Tossini and David Di Bona /// Photo & Video: Fermín Martínez Guzmán, Jesús Ramírez Díaz