LightForms 2018

Text by: Hsiaosung Kok / Ritter Museum Waldenbuch:

Lightforms of László Zsolt Bordos are objects that study the behavior of primary geometric shapes and the ways they are affected by the lumino-kinetic environment. The moving light source creates a continuous variable of the visual experience. Due to the movement of light and shadows, the geometric shapes are always brought into new light situations. By showing the ever-changing aspects and patterns of the same forms, the artwork offers the possibility of a continuous sampling. The light source moves clockwise and revolves in exactly 1 minute. The triad of the three shapes inevitably evokes the association of a sundial, reminiscent of the motion of the planets.

Bordos ’work invites visitors to a meditative experience of three-dimensional Space and Time.

Concept and design: László Zsolt Bordos

Frames and woodwork: Kristóf Rácz

LED controller: Zoltán Czingáli